Friday, July 18, 2014


As a writer, I struggle.

And not in a good way.

I struggle with just writing. I have all sorts of other things to do. I used to have work. Now I have the enterprise of marketing myself as a business and organizational writer. I have to find creative ways to sell myself. I have to study marketing and technology to be able to get the freelance jobs and then I have the freelance jobs to do and the follow-up work. I have groups to organize and non-profits to build. When am I supposed to write a novel?

(See my next post that answers that question!)

But I've struggled with more complex and emotional issues, too:

  • I've struggled with identifying myself as a writer, though I've identified as such since I was seven.
  • I've struggled with people's (family's) perception of what I'm supposed to have accomplished as a writer as any specific time in my life.
  • I've struggled with “competition” and academic programs that tried to make the students compete, without preparing them for it.
  • I've struggled with the business and politics of publishing.
  • And, of course, I've struggled with my characters and where they are going.

Being a writer is taking on a life of struggle.

What do you struggle with as a writer?

Leave a comment and let me know. I bet there are lots of others with similar struggles—maybe we can work them out together.


  1. saw your google ad, read your blog, love it, bookmarked it.
    Yes. I need to write. I also need to go to work, water the bonsai, remember I need to do washing, ironing, letter writing, email responses as well. You're so so right. Yet we work on, don't we?
    Keep this up, Robin, like it a lot. Like, a serious amount. I don't say that often!

    1. Thank you, Antonia, for reading and commenting... I'm happy to hear that it rings a bell. Are you Dorothy Davies? Or is that your budgie?

  2. I am Dorothy Davies, I use Antonia Woodville as one online name and Google selects that each time for my comments, don't be asking why, who can fathom the workings of Google?

    1. Are you going to continue with the Skullface blog?

    2. as soon as the book is available as an e-book, I plan on doing just that and promoting it with all my 100 writers, too.
      Thanks for asking.
